The UK Top 50 is a ranking of brand and corporate film producers working in the UK, and is sponsored by Tysers Live.

Previously called Corporate 50 and run by Televisual until 2019, EVCOM and Moving Image brought back the ranking in collaboration, and it is now in its third year running. The list is a really important measurement of success in our sector, a celebration of the brilliant work so many companies are doing and a reminder of the size and scope of the corporate and brand film sector. We share the results with the BFI to demonstrate the value of your work to the UK screen industries.

To create the UK Top 50, we ask companies to fill in a survey about their year, in which more than 60 data points are used to assess each production business.

There are two bonuses for everyone who completes the survey.
  • A copy of the report in your inbox, 24 hours before wider circulation.
  • A free bespoke video measurement report on a topic of your choice, by Moving Image.

This year we are ranking in-house and independent production teams separately for statistical consistency.

Take the UK Top 50 Survey 2025 here.

Who should complete this survey?
  • Owners/managers of production companies and agencies in brand video and corporate film complete this questionnaire.
  • Heads of in-house video teams inside brands, who should click here for their survey.


Take the In-house Video Survey 2025 here.

Who should complete this survey?
  • Heads of in-house video teams inside brands complete this questionnaire.
  • Owners/managers of production companies and agencies in brand video and corporate film, who should click here for their survey.

You don’t need to be a member of EVCOM, although we think it’s a great idea!


Companies are ranked and an advisory panel then assesses these rankings to offer a sense check and an industry overview.

We will then announce the results at our March 2025 Reveal Event, where Steve Garvey will outline the methodology used to navigate the survey results, discuss key takeaways from the survey, and announced the ranking! Following the reveal, guests will enjoy a networking breakfast.

Want to know why the UK Top 50 matters? To mark the launch of the UK Top 50 2023 we invited high rankers from the 2022 list to discuss why the UK Top 50 matters to agencies and to the wider industry, new business and staff retention, and the future of the industry. Watch the webinar on demand here.

Key Dates:

5th December 2024: UK Top 50 survey opens for entry

17th January 2025: UK Top 50 entry deadline

31st January 2025: UK Top 50 EXTENDED ENTRY DEADLINE

27th March 2025: UK Top 50 Reveal event 

At the event, Steve Garvey (Moving Image) will outline the methodology used to navigate the survey results, and announce the ranking! Following the reveal, guests will be invited to enjoy a networking breakfast. The event is sponsored by our headline sponsor Tysers, and our UK Top 50 sponsor ACrew4U.

Photo credits: Steve Forrest